Aishwarya Rai Bachchan recently took to social media to share heartwarming pictures from her mother, Vrinda Rai’s, birthday celebrations. The intimate family gathering featured Aishwarya and her daughter Aaradhya, but noticeably absent was Abhishek Bachchan, leading fans to wonder about his whereabouts.
In the series of photos, Aishwarya and Aaradhya can be seen posing with Vrinda Rai, showcasing their close-knit bond. The pictures exude warmth and joy, with the trio sharing smiles and heartfelt moments. Aishwarya captioned the post with a loving tribute to her mother, expressing gratitude and love.
Despite the joyous occasion, Abhishek Bachchan's absence did not go unnoticed. Fans quickly took to the comments section, speculating about his missing presence. Some expressed concern, while others hoped everything was well with the Bachchan family.
The reason for Abhishek's absence remains unknown, but it is not uncommon for the actor to be away due to professional commitments. As fans eagerly await more updates, they continue to shower the family with love and well wishes.
Aishwarya’s touching tribute to her mother and the beautiful moments shared with Aaradhya have once again highlighted the actress’s deep family values and the special bond she shares with her loved ones.