Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli are not only a lovely couple but also great parents. The duo has made it a steadfast practice to keep their children's faces away from the public eye. They believe in ensuring that their kids, Vamika and Akaay, are not subjects of social media chatter, whether positive or negative. Anushka and Virat are determined to give their children a normal upbringing, free from the constant scrutiny of the public eye.
Despite this, Anushka and Virat don't shy away from sharing delightful anecdotes about their kids during interviews. Recently, Virat opened up about how Vamika and Akaay are growing, offering a glimpse into their family life while maintaining their children's privacy. This balanced approach underscores the couple's dedication to protecting their kids while still connecting with their fans.
This thoughtful decision reflects their desire to protect Vamika and Akaay's privacy and allow them to grow up away from the limelight. Despite this, Anushka and Virat do share heartwarming details about their family life in interviews. Recently, Virat opened up about how their kids are growing, offering fans a glimpse into their world while still maintaining their children's privacy. This balanced approach highlights the couple's dedication to safeguarding their kids' well-being while staying connected with their audience.