The media and college students were accompanied by the stars of Heeramandi — Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Richa Chadha, Sharmin Segal, and Sanjeeda Shaikh — along with Prerna Singh, CEO of Bhansali Productions, and Tanya Bami, Series Head at Netflix India, at the grand unveiling. Together, they watched in awe as a fleet of 1,000 drones soared into the sky, captivating onlookers. As anticipation reached its peak, the drones revealed the series' launch date, sparking waves of excitement among the audience.
Together, they watched in awe as a fleet of 1,000 drones soared into the sky, captivating onlookers. As anticipation reached its peak, the drones revealed the series' launch date, sparking waves of excitement among the audience.